Courses Taken — University of Alberta
The following is a list of courses I have taken at the University of Alberta, in alphanumeric order. The courses are separated by subject area.
Chemical Engineering
- CH E 243 — Engineering Thermodynamics
- An introduction to the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
- CHEM 103 — Introduction to University Chemistry I
- Atoms and molecules, states of matter, chemistry of the elements.
- CHEM 105 — Introduction to University Chemistry II
- Rates of reactions, thermodynamics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, modern applications of chemistry.
Electrical Engineering
- E E 231 — Numerical Analysis for Electrical and Computer Engineers
- The analysis of various numerical techniques for solving Electrical and Computer Engineering problems. Topics include numerical integration, differentiation, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), finding roots of nonlinear equations, the solution of linear systems of equations and the solution of optimization problems. Consideration of the sources of error in numerical computation.
- E E 238 — Continuous Time Signals and Systems
- Introduction to linear systems and signal classification. Delta function and convolution. Fourier series expansion. Fourier transform and its properties. Laplace transform. Analysis of linear time invariant (LTI) systems using the Laplace transform.
- E E 240 — Electrical Circuits I
- Circuit element definitions. Circuit laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive voltage and current dividers. Basic loop and nodal analysis. Dependent sources. Circuit theorems: linearity, superposition, maximum power transfer, Thevenin, Norton. Time domain behavior of inductance and capacitance, energy storage. Sinusoidal signals, complex numbers, phasor and impedance concepts. Magnetically coupled networks. Single phase power and power factor.
- E E 250 — Electrical Circuits II
- Nonlinear circuit analysis. Diodes: ideal and simple models, single phase rectifiers. Ideal and finite gain op-amps. Treatment of RLC circuits in the time domain, frequency domain and s-plane. Two port networks.
- E E 280 — Introduction to Digital Logic Design
- Boolean algebra, truth tables, Karnaugh maps. Switching devices and their symbology with an introduction to NAND and NOR logic. Number systems, codes, minimization procedures, synthesis of combinational networks. Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters. Arithmetic circuits. Introduction to computer-aided design and simulation tools for digital design and implementation.
- E E 315 — Engineering Electromagnetics I
- Review of vector calculus, electrostatics, and magnetostatics. Electric and magnetic fields in material media, including polarization mechanisms and general boundary conditions. Solutions to static field problems. Maxwell-s equations and waves in free space, dielectrics and conducting media. Reflection and refraction, standing waves.
- E E 330 — Introduction to Power Engineering
- Overview of power concepts, three-phase circuits, transformer and its characteristics, per-unit calculation, transmission line and its basic operational characteristics, introduction to power systems.
- E E 332 — Electric Machines
- Principles of electromagnetic force and torque in rotating machinery. Simple AC and DC machines. Induction motor theory. Practical aspects of induction motor use: characteristics, standards, starting, variable speed operation. Synchronous machine theory and characteristics. Fractional HP motor theory. Safety in electrical environments.
- E E 338 — Discrete Time Signals and Systems
- Discrete-time signals and systems; sampled signals and sampling theorem; the z-transform; design of digital filters; discrete Fourier transform, the periodogram. Fast Fourier transform, algorithms, aliasing, leakage; spectral analysis, applications.
- E E 340 — Electronic Devices
- PN junction semiconductor basics, charge flow and diode equation. Zener diodes. BJT and MOSFET devices and operating regions. Amplifier basics: biasing, gain, input and output resistance, analysis and design. Large signal effects. Differential amplifiers.
- E E 350 — Analog Electronics
- Frequency response of transistor amplifiers: basic high frequency model, dominant pole calculation and design. Feedback application in amplifier circuits. Op-amp circuit design, real op-amps, open and closed loop response. Filters and tuned amplifier circuits. A/D and D/A converter circuits.
- E E 351 — Digital Electronics
- MOS digital circuits, logic gates, threshold voltages. MOS logic families: design and simulation. CMOS timing: propagation delay, rise and fall times. Storage elements, memory, I/O and interfacing.
- E E 357 — Control Systems I
- Linear system models. Time response and stability. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Feedback control system characteristics. Dynamic compensation. Root locus analysis and design. Frequency response analysis and design.
- E E 380 — Introduction to Microprocessors
- Microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, sub-routine handling, memory and input/output system and interrupt concepts.
- E E 387 — Probability for Electrical and Computer Engineers
- Deterministic and probabilistic models. Basics of probability theory: random experiments, axioms of probability, conditional probability and independence. Discrete and continuous random variables: cumulative distribution and probability density functions, functions of a random variable, expected values, transform methods. Pairs of random variables: independence, joint cdf and pdf, conditional probability and expectation, functions of a pair of random variables, jointly Gaussian random variables. Sums of random variables: the central limit theorem; basic types of random processes, wide sense stationary processes, autocorrelation and crosscorrelation, power spectrum, white noise.
- E E 390 — Introduction to Communication Systems
- Basics of analog communication: amplitude, angle, and analog pulse modulation; modulators and demodulators; frequency multiplexing. Basics of digital communication: sampling, quantization, pulse code modulation, time division multiplexing, binary signal formats.
- E E 400 — Engineering Design Project I
- The first of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year. Student teams research, propose, design, develop, document, prototype, and present a practical engineering system or device; teams exercise creativity and make assumptions and decisions based on technical knowledge. This first course includes project definition, planning, and initial prototyping. Formal reports and presentation of the project proposal is required.
- E E 401 — Engineering Design Project II
- The second of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year, in which student teams develop an electronic system or device from concept to working prototype. Emphasis is placed on continued execution of the project plan developed in E E 400. Formal interim and final reports are required; groups demonstrate and present their designs.
- E E 442 — Introduction to Multimedia Signal Processing
- Human visual/audio perception and multimedia data representations. Multimedia enhancement, histogram equalization, noise removal, and edge detection. Image interpolation, digital zooming and error concealment. Fundamentals of compression, transforms, lossless and lossy compression. Multimedia compression, transform coding, and JPEG/MPEG image compression standards. Multimedia communications over networks. Multimedia security, digital rights management, watermarking, and IP protection.
- E E 456 — Introduction to Nanoelectronics
- Fundamental concepts related to current flow in nanoelectronic devices. Energy level diagram and the Fermi function. Single-energy-level model for current flow and associated effects, such as the quantum of conductance, Coulomb blockade, and single electron charging. The Schroedinger equation and quantum mechanics for applications in nanoelectronics. Matrix-equation approach for numerical band structure calculations of transistor channel materials. k-space, Brillouin zones, and density of states. Subbands for quantum wells, wires, dots, and carbon nanotubes. Current flow in nanowires and ballistic nanotransistors, including minimum possible channel resistance, quantum capacitance, and the transistor equivalent circuit under ballistic operation.
- E E 460 — Control Systems II
- State space analysis methods, stability, observability and controllability. State space design methods, pole placement and optimal state feedback control, observer design. Introduction to nonlinear control systems, phaseplane method, describing function method, stability and limit cycles, Lyapunov method. Introduction to adaptive control, neural network control and fuzzy control systems with case study examples.
- E E 461 — Digital Control
- Sampled-data control systems, discretization, transfer function and state space models. Controllability and observability, pole assignment, deadbeat control. State observers, observer based controllers,introduction to optimal control.
- E E 464 — Medical Robotics and Computer–Integrated Intervention
- Basic concepts of computer-integrated intervention. Surgical CAD/CAM, assist and simulation systems. Actuators and imagers. Medical robot design, control and optimization. Surgeon-robot interface technology. Haptic feedback in surgical simulation and teleoperation. Virtual fixtures. Time delay compensation in telesurgery. Cooperative manipulation control. Overview of existing systems for robot-assisted intervention and for virtual-reality surgical simulation.
- E E 471 — Photonics I
- Electromagnetic wave propagation at optical frequencies and approximations. Thermal and luminescent light sources, optical beams. Ray and Gaussian optics and simple optical components. Wave optics, polarization, interference, interferometric devices. Light-matter interactions. Optics of crystals; polarizers and waveplates. Photodetectors. Photonic engineering applications.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 200 — Technical Communication in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Description of the areas of study in electrical and computer engineering and the related industry in Alberta, including coverage of elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Introduction to technical communications in the electrical engineering discipline. Concepts of effective written and oral technical communication, both individual and team delivered; audience identification, planning and research, drafting prose elements and creating persuasive visual graphics. Case studies based on presentations by invited industrial speakers. Student oral presentations.
Engineering Physics
- EN PH 131 — Mechanics
- Kinematics and dynamics of particles; gravitation; work and energy; linear momentum; angular momentum; systems of particles; introduction to dynamics of rigid bodies.
Engineering, Computer
- ENCMP 100 — Computer Programming for Engineers
- Fundamentals of computer programming with emphasis on solving engineering problems. Syntax, variables, statements, control structures, functions, data structures, files, pointers, memory use, searching, sorting, recursion. Focus on procedural programming using C/C++.
Engineering Management
- ENG M 401 — Financial Management for Engineers
- The application of the fundamentals of engineering economics, financial analysis and market assessment to engineering alternatives in the planning, development and ongoing management of industrial enterprises. The course covers the use of engineering, economic, financial and market assessment information in investment and business operation decisions in technology oriented companies.
Engineering, General
- ENGG 100 — Orientation to the Engineering Profession I
- A introduction to the Faculty and the engineering profession: the engineering disciplines, study skills, cooperative education, work opportunities, engineering, and society. Several written assignments will be required to assist in developing the students communication skills.
- ENGG 101 — Orientation to the Engineering Profession II
- An introduction to the engineering profession and its challenges; career fields, professional responsibilities of the engineer, ethics, the history and development of the engineering profession. Several written assignments will be required to assist in developing the student's communication skills.
- ENGG 130 — Engineering Mechanics
- Equilibrium of planar systems. Analysis of statically determinate trusses and frames. Friction. Centroids and centres of gravity. Forces and moments in beams. Second moments of area.
- ENGG 400 — The Practice of the Engineering Profession
- The technical and professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer; the ethics of the engineering profession; technical and professional organizations. The role of the engineer in the social environment including elements of equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act.
- ENGG 420 — Engineering Law
- Contracts; specifications; tenders; bonds; construction contract forms; Public Works Act; Workers' Compensation Act; building trades; company law; the engineer as an expert witness; patents; trade marks; copyrights; negligence; arbitration.
- ENGL 199 — Writing Essentials
- This course is designed to develop the student's ability to write the narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive prose fundamental to all written communication. Instruction and practice will be integrated with the study of prose models drawn from modern essayists. A review of basic grammar will be included.
Materials Engineering
- MAT E 201 — Materials Science I
- An introduction to the science of materials from the standpoint of the relationships between atomic, molecular and crystal structure to material properties. Atomic bonding, crystal structure and crystal imperfections. Structures of metallic, non-metallic and composite materials. Diffusion, electrochemical and corrosion properties; strengthening mechanisms, mechanical properties and failure; electrical conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics; thermal, magnetic, and optical properties.
- MATH 100 — Calculus I
- Review of numbers, inequalities, functions, analytic geometry; limits, continuity; derivatives and applications, Taylor polynomials; log, exp, and inverse trig functions. Integration, fundamental theorem of calculus substitution, trapezoidal and Simpson's rules.
- MATH 101 — Calculus II
- Area between curves, techniques of integration. Applications of integration to planar areas and lengths, volumes and masses. First order ordinary differential equations: separable, linear, direction fields, Euler's method, applications. Infinite series, power series, Taylor expansions with remainder terms. Polar coordinates. Rectangular, spherical and cylindrical coordinates in 3-dimensional space. Parametric curves in the plane and space: graphing, arc length, curvature; normal binormal, tangent plane in 3-dimensional space. Volumes and surface areas of rotation.
- MATH 102 — Applied Linear Algebra
- Vectors and matrices, solution of linear equations, equations of lines and planes, determinants, matrix algebra, orthogonality and applications (Gram-Schmidt), eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications, complex numbers.
- MATH 201 — Differential Equations
- First-order equations; second-order linear equations: reduction of order, variation of parameters; Laplace transform; linear systems; power series; solution by series; separation of variables for PDEs.
- MATH 209 — Calculus III
- Partial differentiation, derivatives of integrals. Multiple integration using rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Vector Field Theory.
- MATH 309 — Mathematical Methods for Electrical Engineers
- Complex numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equation, Cauchy Theorem, power series and Laurent expansions, residues, inverse Laplace transform. Complex inner product spaces, orthogonal expansions, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization completeness, Fourier expansions applied signals, Parseval's relation and Bessel's inequality.
- PHIL 265 — Philosophy of Science
- An introduction to the central issues in contemporary philosophy of science. Topics may include theory evaluation, paradigm shifts and theory change, laws of nature, causation and explanation, the rationality of science and its social and historical setting.
- PHYS 130 — Wave Motion, Optics, and Sound
- Geometrical optics, optical instruments, oscillations, waves, sound, interference, diffraction.
- PHYS 230 — Electricity and Magnetism
- Electric fields, Gauss' Law; electric potential; capacitance and dielectrics; electric current and resistance; magnetic fields, Ampere's Law; Faraday's Law; inductance; magnetic properties of matter.
- PSYCO 104 — Basic Psychological Processes
- Principles and development of perception, motivation, learning, and thinking and their relationship to the psychological functioning of the individual.
- SOC 366 — People in Industry
- Introduction to the sociological analysis of the attitudes and behavior of employees in work organizations, with emphasis on the contemporary Canadian situation.